Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thirteen Years Ago...

This sweet baby girl was placed in my arms in a hot, airless room in Kalmykia, Russia.  I will never forget unpacking a diaper bag full of baby toys, dolls, and pacifiers as we waited for a nanny to bring Mary Ashtyn to us.  We were scared to death...first time, young parents in a foreign country with no clue what to expect.  Trent was videoing me and I can honestly say I had that "deer in the headlights" look.  My eyes were full of fear and my hands were shaking. 

All of the sudden, the curtain that hung in front of the doorway parted and in came our first little miracle.  As the nanny passed her to me, Mary Ashtyn's little chin started to quiver.  I whispered, "please don't cry, I've waited for you for so long".  She looked straight into my eyes and reached her little hand up and put it in my mouth.  I put my head against hers and just sobbed.  She was our dream come true.  Thirteen years later, she still is. 

For this child did I pray, and the Lord hath granted me my petition, which I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27 

Happy Gotcha Day to the the most amazing daughter and big sister ever!!


  1. Happy Gotcha Day Mary Ashtyn!

    Blessings to you and your family.

    Barbara Lyman

  2. This post made me cry!! What a beautiful baby girl your oldest daughter is and how blessed you are to have her in your lives!

  3. And a gorgeous picture of your three treasures!
