Fifteen years ago, a young couple sat in a hot, airless room waiting. Waiting after 5 years of hopelessness, wanting, and praying...waiting on a dream to come true. That dream was a seven month old, 12 pound baby girl. As the curtain hanging in front of the orphanage door parted and that tiny baby was brought into the room, everything was right in the world. That sweet baby was held by a brand new Mama who was scared to death. I was that Mama and my Mary Ashtyn was that tiny baby. As I took her from her nanny, her little lip started to quiver and I locked eyes with her and told her not to cry because I had waited on her for so long. She put her tiny hand it in my mouth and gave me the sweetest little smirk I've ever seen. I sobbed as I held my sweet daughter...finally a Mama!!!
Prayers were answered and our dreams came true in that Russian orphanage!!
I still remember sharing with our social worker all the reasons I wanted to be a mother to a little girl. Not just the cute baby clothes and toddler years but shopping together, first boyfriends, first dances, tryouts, watching her grow up loving Jesus. Oh, my Mary really did make all my dreams come true!! I am blessed by the miracle that you are! God answered my prayers when He gave us you.
My Granny, Mary Frances Baker Scott, with her name sake. |
You made us parents, you made our dreams come true, you made us want more...
For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted me the desires of my heart! (1 Samuel 1:27)
Happy Gotcha Day, Mary Ashtyn!!!
She is beautiful! Congratulations on 15 years!