Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Impossible, Difficult, Done

This blog began 7  months ago after we fell in love with a sweet little girl all the way around the world.  The first time we saw Lily, it seemed impossible that she could ever be ours.  The past 7 months have been difficult, but God has blessed us tremendously.  He has reminded us daily that He has the perfect plan for our family.  Now, the waiting is done...we fly out of Birmingham at 6:00 am.  By Friday, we'll be in Hohhot just waiting to finally hold Lily Joy in our arms.

Every great work of God, first is impossible, then it is difficult, and then it is done.

Praising God tonight for my blessings.  There are no words to describe the peace that HE has given us about this adoption.  We know that it won't always be easy.  We'll face a lot of challenges when Lily gets home, but we know that God is in control!!!

Please keep us in your prayers.  Remember our families who are waiting at home for us.  Goodbyes are hard and we know that they'll worry until we are home.  Please continue to pray for Trent's Daddy's health during his treatment.

This post is all over the place...just like my brain at this point!!  So excited!!!

Next post....CHINA!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for safety as you travel!I look forward to your updates from China! What a perfect Thanksgiving blessing!

    I have a friend also leaving Friday. I'm sure you will be in Guangzhou at the same time. Rick and Traci have a daughter in college and now they are adopting two girls, one that is near aging out! I'm thankful that these children are coming home!
